Building a Stunning Portfolio Website with AI-Powered Tools

Monday, May 6, 2024 by Nick

As a developer, having a compelling portfolio website is crucial for showcasing your skills and attracting potential clients or employers. In the past, creating a visually appealing and informative portfolio required significant time and effort. However, with the advent of AI-powered tools and innovative platforms, the process has become much more streamlined and accessible. In this article, I’ll share my experience building a stunning portfolio website using a combination of cutting-edge tools. The first step in creating my portfolio was to gather all my projects and decide on a visually appealing layout. That’s where Bento came in. is a fantastic platform that allows you to create a grid-based layout for your projects, making it easy to showcase your work in an organized and aesthetically pleasing manner. The intuitive interface and customization options made it a breeze to set up my project grid. Next, I wanted to add some captivating graphics to each project. While I could have spent hours designing them myself, I discovered the power of Midjourney, an AI-powered image generation tool. By providing Midjourney with a few keywords and descriptions about each project, I was able to generate stunning graphics that perfectly captured the essence of my work. The results were impressive, and it saved me a tremendous amount of time and effort. With the visual elements in place, I needed a platform to host the detailed write-ups about each project. Notion, a versatile workspace tool, proved to be the ideal solution. By creating a Notion page for each project, I was able to provide in-depth descriptions, share key features, and discuss the technologies used. Notion’s clean and professional design made it easy to create visually appealing and informative pages that complemented my portfolio grid. To take things a step further, I leveraged the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance the content of my portfolio. By providing the LLMs with information about my projects, I was able to generate compelling titles, summaries, and even prompts for the Midjourney graphics. The AI-generated content was surprisingly accurate and saved me the time and mental energy required to come up with catchy phrases and descriptions. Moreover, LLMs proved to be invaluable in generating relevant hashtags and prompts for the Midjourney graphics. By inputting keywords related to my projects, the AI models suggested a variety of creative and engaging prompts that resulted in even more impressive visuals. This symbiotic relationship between LLMs and Midjourney allowed me to create a cohesive and professional-looking portfolio with minimal effort. The combination of for the project grid, Midjourney for the graphics, Notion for the detailed write-ups, and LLMs for content generation and prompts resulted in a portfolio website that exceeded my expectations. The process was efficient, and the final product was a testament to the power of leveraging AI-powered tools in the realm of web development and design. In conclusion, building a stunning portfolio website has never been easier, thanks to the availability of innovative platforms and AI-powered tools. By harnessing the capabilities of, Midjourney, Notion, and LLMs, developers can create visually appealing and informative portfolios that showcase their skills and projects in the best possible light. Embracing these tools not only saves time and effort but also allows for a level of creativity and professionalism that was previously difficult to achieve. So, if you’re a developer looking to build a standout portfolio, consider exploring these AI-powered tools and see how they can elevate your online presence.